2024-2025 League Information:
- Rosters Due: September 18th, 2024
- League Starts: October 6th, 2024
- Plays on Sunday’s at 6:30 p.m.
- 4 Player/16 Game Format
- No teams above 6,200 combined CSR allowed in this league
- Handicapped with a max of 8 points per round
- Clean slate to start, then in week 3 handicap will begin
- If a match is tied in points the next tie breaker would be to have the last 2 shooters play again against each other to break the tie. If at that point they are still tied each team would pick 1 player from their roster to play one more game (home team breaks).
- Days off: Super Bowl Sunday February 9th
Weekly Kitty: $6 per player per night
Total League Fees Due For Year: $24 per team X weeks = $
League President: Rick Gorsett
Sanctioning For: SVI/MOMA ($5 PER PLAYER/32 GAMES), WAMO ($5 PER PLAYER/ 9 WEEKS), VNEA ($15 PER PLAYER/12 WEEKS) = $25.00 per player